Contoh Pidato Perpisahan Kelas dalam Bahasa Inggris

Dear Mr. Principal, respected teachers and staff, dear parents of the students, and beloved and proud classmates.

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

We express our gratitude to Allah SWT for the blessings bestowed upon us, so that today we can gather to attend the graduation and farewell ceremony of the grade students of .....

We also send our salutations and greetings to the Prophet Muhammad SAW, may his intercession flow upon us on the final day.

Ladies and gentlemen,

As I stand before you today, I am filled with a sense of nostalgia and gratitude. It is hard to believe that our time together as a class is coming to an end, and I am honored to have the opportunity to speak to you all today as we bid farewell to one another and celebrate our graduation.

Over the past few years, we have grown and learned so much together. We have formed friendships that will last a lifetime, shared countless memories, and overcome challenges both big and small. We have laughed together, cried together, and supported each other through thick and thin. And now, as we prepare to embark on the next chapter of our lives, it is important to take a moment to reflect on our journey together and to express our gratitude to everyone who has helped us along the way.

First and foremost, I want to thank our teachers, who have dedicated themselves to helping us learn and grow. They have challenged us to think critically, encouraged us to pursue our passions, and supported us every step of the way. Their dedication and commitment to our education have been truly inspiring, and we owe them a debt of gratitude for all they have done for us.

I also want to thank our families and friends, who have been our biggest supporters and cheerleaders. They have celebrated our successes, comforted us in times of disappointment, and provided us with unconditional love and support. Without them, we would not be where we are today, and we are so grateful for their unwavering support.

As we prepare to leave this chapter of our lives behind, it is important to remember that our education does not end here. Learning is a lifelong process, and it is up to us to continue to grow, challenge ourselves, and pursue our passions.

Whether we are headed to college, starting a career, or taking some time to figure out our next steps, we have the skills and knowledge we need to succeed. We are prepared to face the challenges that lie ahead, and we are ready to make a positive impact on the world around us.

As we say goodbye to one another and move on to the next chapter of our lives, I want to remind my classmates that we will always be a part of each other's lives. The friendships we have formed here will endure, and we will continue to support and encourage one another as we pursue our dreams.

As we look back on our time here, I am struck by the incredible diversity of talents and passions that our class possesses. From athletes and artists to scientists and scholars, we have so much to offer the world. And as we move forward, it is important that we continue to use our talents and passions to make a positive impact on the world around us.

Whether it is through volunteer work, civic engagement, or pursuing careers that make a difference, we have the power to change the world for the better. We have the power to make a positive impact on our communities, our country, and our world. And I know that each and every one of us will do just that.

As we say goodbye to high school and look forward to the future, I am confident that we will continue to achieve great things and make a difference in the world. So let us go forth from here with courage, determination, and a commitment to making the world a better place.

Congratulations to the Class of .... 
We did it!
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